Contact: Denise Savageau 203-622-9297
For immediate release – August 16, 2004
Management Alternatives Reviewed by Alliance
As part of its mission, the recently formed Fairfield County Municipal Deer Management Alliance will continue to review all management tools available to local governments and private citizens working on deer management. These will be evaluated on their effectiveness and feasibility to achieve long-term management goals.
“One of the goals of the Alliance is to keep on top of any new findings on deer management and pass that on to the local communities we represent” stated Tom Belote, Chairman. “Present studies indicate that while some techniques such as fencing can be effective on a particular site, this only moves the deer someplace else. It does not address the real problem which is the overpopulation of deer in Fairfield County.”
The overabundant deer population in Fairfield County is taking its toll on the biodiversity of the region. Deer browse is severely impacting the forest under-story resulting in loss of habitat for some bird species. Wildflowers are disappearing and long-term forest health is being threatened. In addition, the correlation between deer herd size and the incidence of Lyme disease has been documented by the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. Reducing the deer herd to a sustainable level is important to both human and environmental health of our region.
Three management strategies for reducing deer herd size are hunting, birth control, and relocation. The Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection discusses these options in a booklet entitled Managing Urban Deer in Connecticut. The concept of trap and relocation appeals to many residents, but the logistics and costs of such an initiative are problematic. Costs can range from $400 to $3,000 per animal, however, even if the taxpayer is willing to bear the cost, there may be no suitable place for deer to be released. More importantly, DEP’s booklet states that “Studies have shown that about half of all deer trapped and relocated die from capture-related stress and from wandering extensive distances after release, resulting in road mortality.”
Research on birth control is ongoing but no contraceptive vaccine for wildlife
has been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). FDA approval is necessary as there is
potential for any vaccine used on wildlife to get into the food chain and our
food supply. To date, research has been
limited to captive and/or semi-isolated deer herds, however, this may expand to free-ranging herds in the near
future. “This is one area of deer
management that we are watching closely,” explains Patricia Sesto, Director of
Environmental Affairs for Wilton.
“Presently, contraception is not available but we are very interested in
the potential for this to be a viable management option. Unfortunately, since research is just
starting on free-ranging herds, no contraceptive vaccine is expected to be on
the market for at least 6-7 years.”
Even if birth control where available today, this method of deer herd
management only stops the growth of the herd, it does not reduce the
overpopulation that already exists.
With these two management options out of contention, population reduction through hunting is the only alternative available. To this end, several Fairfield County towns have taken on a more active role in encouraging and/or orchestrating hunting programs. With careful consideration given to safety and public concerns, these communities believe they can appropriately implement such programs in their suburban landscape.