A Ridgefield Timeline

on RidgefieldHistory.com

A timeline of more than 3,000 events in the three- century history of Ridgefield, Connecticut.

The 1700s

The 1800s

The 1900s

The 2000s

This timeline is fully searchable, soon with the Google feature on our history front page, and always by simply going to a century and using your browser's Find function (Control F in Windows, Command F in Mac). 

The number of events reported under each year varies widely for several reasons. Especially before 1875, when The Ridgefield Press was established, the records of local events are more limited -- most sources are listed below. Research was also limited by the fact that many early issues of The Press into the 1910s have not been preserved.

Nonetheless, even for the many years for which full sets of The Press are available, the number of entries varies, mostly due to personal time constraints. We tried to focus on years that give a good representation of what local life was like during an era. To that end, we cover both major events and many minor ones, some often humorous and some quite sad, that give glimpses into many aspects of everyday Ridgefield life that are not reported in other histories. 

We hope to add to this timeline as, well, time permits.

Sources for this information include:

The entire contents of this timeline are copyrighted © 2009 by Jack and Sally Sanders and may not be used commercially without their permission. Email questions, comments or corrections to jackfsanders [at] yahoo [dot] com.

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