
Cemetery Heading

Ridgefield Cemeteries

Overview of Ridgefield cemeteries

List of Cemeteries

Map of Cemetery Locations

Map of "Ridgefield Cemetery"

Boughton Map of "Ridgefield Cemetery"
Best map explaining the six cemeteries at North Salem Road and North Street.

WPA index
of Ridgefield cemeteries

Graveyard Committee
The people who record and protect our cemeteries.

Veterans buried
in Ridgefield cemeteries — a new and growing database.

Ridgefield Cemetery pictures

Oldest gravestone

Slate gravestone

Ornate gravestone

Willows & urns

Winged skull

Settlers Rock

Pictures from other Cemeteries:

Ye Burying Yard

Ridgebury Cemetery

Gamaliel Smith Cemetery

Selleck Cemetery

New Florida Cemetery

Other links

Search for cemetery records in Fairfield County, CT at by entering a surname and clicking search:

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Conn. Gravestone Network

Association for Gravestone Studies


E-mail Jack
Comments, questions?

Page last updated 9/20/11